Eastwood Agency and Mediapolis Partnership.

Eastwood Agency is focused on developing joint educational projects, including the regions of Russia. In partnership with the Media and Cinema Development Centre in Tyumen Region, Hanna Mironenko, Katya Rusakovich and Olga Bazhenova spoke as experts at two workshops in Tyumen, gave lectures for participants and joined the festival promotion of the “Mediapolis” films.

Olga Bazhenova:

”Mediapolis” is an excellent initiative of a professional team led by Margarita Posadskikh and also a platform that has become the center for the development of media culture in the region. During the year our colleagues manage a series of projects and master classes for their target audience, produce and shoot films.

It's great that in 2019 in Russia, several film campuses on the concept of shooting short films with limited time and resources were held. Some campuses were held as part of film festivals, others were organized as the parallel educational programs.

From July 14 to 19, “Mediapolis” moderated a workshop in the format “Shoot in 72 hours”, although the event itself lasted longer and included the pitching of film ideas and lectures of experts in various fields of film production and distribution. The level of the project organization is worth respect: 150 participants from different cities of Russia and even foreign countries came to Tyumen for day-and-night work and pumping. Before the closing ceremony along with other jury members we watched 31 short films and highlighted the best audience works.

At the end of September, Katya Rusakovich gave a lecture on the short film festival promotion within the framework of another “Mediapolis” project — a regional grant to support the best film projects in “The Granat” region. The participants made cool and high-quality films, having pumped at this competition, and we will be happy to help with the promotion of their projects.